Between April 25th and 27th, 2018, the Digital Arts Seminar (SAD) will take place at Atmosphera (Alameda do Ingá, nº 16 and 38, Vale do Sereno, Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais).
The theme of the event’s fourth edition is "Recurrence and Hybridization" and is an international conference with members of its scientific committee composed of doctors from institutions in Brazil and abroad. The participation of eminent researchers abroad has been taking place since the 2017 edition. The 4th Digital Arts Seminar is organized by the Laboratório de Poéticas Fronteiriças (LabFront), based on an organization committee composed of members of several institutions (UEMG, CEFET-MG, UFSM, FAD / ICAT) and curated by Pablo Gobira (UEMG) and Tadeus Mucelli (PPGArtes). The edition’s theme comes from the recurring themes in the field of digital arts seen in previous editions. The plenary sessions and conferences bring topics and areas of common interest to researchers, teachers and public participants of the SAD. From this year's theme, we call for free registrations of works by graduate students, masters, doctoral students and postdoctoral students. In this way, it will be possible to participate broadly in the Seminar from the inscription of abstracts in Strategic Working Groups (WG) induced and related with the field of digital arts. The WGs are divided in four areas: 1. Ludic Universe (game art, digital games and other media) 2. Design, art and interfaces (diverse interfaces, interactivity, design and society) 3. Image and technopoetics: interart relations and digital technology (electronic poetry, digital literature, editing and technology and other technological poetics) 4. Memory and digital technologies (archives, collections, museums and communication) The Seminar of Digital Arts of 2018 will publish Annals (digital) with the complete papers that should be submitted according to the deadlines schedule found on The event has the partnership of Design + (UFSM) and is supported by a wide network of collaborators and research groups (from institutions such as CEFET, UFMG, FUMEC, UNEB, FAD / ICAT, among others), and promotion from FAPEMIG, CNPq and PROPPG / UEMG. |
Information of venue, timetable and accessibility.