Registrations for SAD 2018
Relevant Dates
Submission of summaries - up to 28/02/2018
Submission of conscents - up to 11/03/2018
Full work submission - up to 02/04/2018
Work presenter’s application - up to 02/04/2018
Registrations to attend - up to 24/04/2018
Submission of summaries - up to 28/02/2018
Submission of conscents - up to 11/03/2018
Full work submission - up to 02/04/2018
Work presenter’s application - up to 02/04/2018
Registrations to attend - up to 24/04/2018
Submission Rules
On the basis of this year’s theme, we call on the free submission of works from Graduate Students, Masters, Doctoral students and Postdoctoral students. This way, we enable wide participation at the Digital Arts Seminar as of submission of summaries in strategically induced Work Groups (WG), and its associations with the field of Digital Arts.
Each author is allowed to send up to 2 works and the official languages of the event are Portuguese and English.
The summaries (up to 150 words) need to be sent for evaluation before 28th February of 2018 via specified web link. The approved works for presentation will be announced until 10th March of 2018.
The works shall fit in at least one of the Work Groups (WG):
1. Ludic Universe
Works with a ludic character, digital games, game art, ludic or interactive narratives in various media.
2. Design, art and interfaces
Works focused on various interfaces (such as artistic interfaces), interactivity, and the connection between Design and Society.
3. Image and Techno-poetics: inter art relations and digital technology
Works that handle image in connection with mechanical technologies (19th Century), Digital and electronic technologies (20th and 21st Century), as well as electronic poetry, digital literature, edition and technology, and other technological poetics.
4. Memory and Digital Technologies
This work group accepts works about archives, collections, museums and communication with regard to technologies and contemporary media.
The WGs are divided in four areas:
1. Ludic Universe (game art, digital games and other media)
2. Design, art and interfaces (diverse interfaces, interactivity, design and society)
3. Image and technopoetics: interart relations and digital technology (electronic poetry, digital literature, editing and technology and other technological poetics)
4. Memory and digital technologies (archives, collections, museums and communication)
The Seminar of Digital Arts of 2018 will publish Annals (digital) with the complete papers that should be submitted according to the deadlines schedule found on
The event has the partnership of Design + (UFSM) and is supported by a wide network of collaborators and research groups (from institutions such as CEFET, UFMG, FUMEC, UNEB, FAD / ICAT, among others), and promotion from FAPEMIG, CNPq and PROPPG / UEMG.
On the basis of this year’s theme, we call on the free submission of works from Graduate Students, Masters, Doctoral students and Postdoctoral students. This way, we enable wide participation at the Digital Arts Seminar as of submission of summaries in strategically induced Work Groups (WG), and its associations with the field of Digital Arts.
Each author is allowed to send up to 2 works and the official languages of the event are Portuguese and English.
The summaries (up to 150 words) need to be sent for evaluation before 28th February of 2018 via specified web link. The approved works for presentation will be announced until 10th March of 2018.
The works shall fit in at least one of the Work Groups (WG):
1. Ludic Universe
Works with a ludic character, digital games, game art, ludic or interactive narratives in various media.
2. Design, art and interfaces
Works focused on various interfaces (such as artistic interfaces), interactivity, and the connection between Design and Society.
3. Image and Techno-poetics: inter art relations and digital technology
Works that handle image in connection with mechanical technologies (19th Century), Digital and electronic technologies (20th and 21st Century), as well as electronic poetry, digital literature, edition and technology, and other technological poetics.
4. Memory and Digital Technologies
This work group accepts works about archives, collections, museums and communication with regard to technologies and contemporary media.
The WGs are divided in four areas:
1. Ludic Universe (game art, digital games and other media)
2. Design, art and interfaces (diverse interfaces, interactivity, design and society)
3. Image and technopoetics: interart relations and digital technology (electronic poetry, digital literature, editing and technology and other technological poetics)
4. Memory and digital technologies (archives, collections, museums and communication)
The Seminar of Digital Arts of 2018 will publish Annals (digital) with the complete papers that should be submitted according to the deadlines schedule found on
The event has the partnership of Design + (UFSM) and is supported by a wide network of collaborators and research groups (from institutions such as CEFET, UFMG, FUMEC, UNEB, FAD / ICAT, among others), and promotion from FAPEMIG, CNPq and PROPPG / UEMG.